by Roflofagus May 7, 2009
Wub is the onomatopoeia of a sound featured in many dubstep samples. Wub is often dubbed "the new oonse."
by CombatKurt October 28, 2011
by Nanabannah December 26, 2017
1. v. To persistently and aggressively shake a seat that someone is sitting in. 2. n. The constant and most basic note in the musical genre of Dubstep.
by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz2121 February 21, 2012
"Wub wub wub" means "wuv wuv wuv" or "love love love" or "<3 <3 <3". But since "love" and "<3" aren't as cuddly, "wub" is frequently used to display affection with more pinkish. It usually comes with plushies.
by blue_cosmos October 7, 2008
To grab a woman's breasts, lift them up and then drop them. Easier to do if she is not wearing a bra.
Guy 1: Dude, why do you have a black eye?
Guy 2: I wubbed a random chick last night at the bar and she punched me in the face.
Guy 1: You're fucking stupid.
Guy 2: I wubbed a random chick last night at the bar and she punched me in the face.
Guy 1: You're fucking stupid.
by Bassman150 July 28, 2014
Short for Wild Untamed Beast. A Wub is part Yellow Labrador, part Rhodesian. They are known for incredible weapon carving skills, circling, collapsing, sleeping and locating water fountains. They have smelly ear holes and are known to make "butt mohawks" if they encounter other puppies.
by Wubbles April 13, 2015