Feminism is usually focused on white female Topix while womanism is a exclusively black female topic movement started by the woman who created the book The Color Purple
Feminism overlooks black female Topic while womanist doesn't
by EmJayee January 31, 2018
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It's like feminist but it's for black woman because feminist because feminist is for only white woman
Womanist don't overlook black women like feminist that does overlook us
by Hot ebonygworl March 31, 2021
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A woman who practices womanism; the worship of the female body
We womanists are goddesses
by Lil’ Isis January 12, 2020
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Relating to or supporting the principles of women or womanism
Every time I bring up construction workers who are females, you always have a womanistic comment
by Lifecoach January 20, 2021
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Relating to or supporting the principles of women or womanism.

A philosophy and value that reflects a belief in a woman's dignity.
Every time I bring up construction workers who are females, you always have a womanistic comment
by Lifecoach January 20, 2021
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A woman who displays a viewpoint that coincides with "I don't need a man" mentality
Jane is very womanistic when it comes to taking care of her household
by Lifecoach January 20, 2021
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Same as egotistical but in a female context.
I'm so smoking Sara's going to need a PAIL of makeup to match me!

Tanya's so womanistical about her looks.
by yourmamas February 12, 2011
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