A dance move where you move arm over the other and sometimes if you want to say WOAH
Watch me woah ready.....WOAH...
by CJ/////1234 March 27, 2019
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Used to represent something like you are surprised and the period is there because it can.
A normal person: reiogjfrei9jgwri9jgw9re0ujgyr90tigjr9efijg9irujg4t9rgj

Me: woah.
by poloroloye February 1, 2020
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The Woah is a dance deriving from Texas in which the dancer typically leans into a freeze on the beat by making a swift move with their fists. When someone does the "woah", there is usually a saying that is said before doing this motion that goes like "UH WOAHH". Periodt

Not even the music:


| 😳


/ \

/ \
by mynameisnowonurban April 11, 2019
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The Woah is a fun dance originating from a popular music app
I can hit the Woah so hard!
The Woah is such a fun dance!
by everette_p_05 May 6, 2019
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A term for weed laced with dmt and sold as such. NO sketch sh*t. You need to know if you got WOAH.

Pronounced Wòo-ahh.***

*** The "Ò" mean moving down in pitch
Pass that shit like "WOAH"! OR "WOAH" I am sitting in hyperspace right now! OR Bro let me hit that "WOAH"
by Gnosis33 April 1, 2021
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Normally a positive surprise to something unexpected
Woah that tasted better than I though it would.
by Srryy December 30, 2019
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A lady who is extremely beautiful and sexy, she wows e everybody with her charms and is very promiscuous.
'That girl Markisha fine as fuck tho but i heard she ran through the whole football team. Damn she a "Lil Woah"...'
by Fortune Manson April 23, 2023
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