(n.) A girl or woman suffering from any type of eating disorder. The word was created by Laurie Halse Anderson, author of such novels as Speak, Twisted, and Fever 1793.
Cassie was a Wintergirl, caught in between two worlds, neither dead nor alive.
by lia_girl October 29, 2010
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A term for a clinically anorexic or bulimic individual. Most commonly a girl, most commonly a teenage girl.
Term is derived from a book written by Lori Halse Anderson.
I feel bad for Sara, she's a wintergirl you know.
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A book written by Laurie Halse Anderson, basically a step by step guide on being anorexic.
Lia and Cassie were best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies.
by swanqueen June 14, 2011
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