A word making fun of "Lifetime TV"
(In a respectful way)
Hey Joe, Your wife has been absent from class.

Yes, Beavis, She's watching Wifetime TV. and she's hooked!

Her favourite show is Reba.
by Binfordman August 13, 2008
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The 2-3 hours a day period of time spent waiting for your wife, partner, significant other etc…to get ready to go out. Usually attributed to a “lack” of clothing, but can also include “lacks” of jewelry, make-up, hair styling tools or products, etc... Advanced timers can mix and match “lacks” and extend the period up to 6 hours for special
“Tom, sorry I missed my godsons birth, I was on wifetime while the Mrs. got ready.”

“Despite having an entire bedroom for a clothes closet, my girl has had us on wifetime for the past 90 minutes cause she can’t find an outfit. Just cancel the reservations please”
by Dreucalyptus September 19, 2021
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Noun. An annoyingly long period of time that robs one of pleasure and social interaction.
I missed the train and had to wait a wifetime for the next one.
by Trrrrrrrrrrroy February 11, 2009
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