by jack wood January 2, 2005
Guy 1: "What's 5 x 3?"
Guy 2: "Who cares?"
Guy 3: "Man you're such a pussy, it's 'Who gives a fuck'. God, don't you know how to swear?"
Guy 2: "Who cares?"
Guy 3: "Man you're such a pussy, it's 'Who gives a fuck'. God, don't you know how to swear?"
by TenInchPlaya August 13, 2006
My girlfriend gets constantly mad at me because i watch football instead of paying attention to her, but Who Cares?
by james frickers March 6, 2012
A remark adressing female attire that, despite breaking dress codes or rules of decency, is commonly accepted due to the atractive nature of the wearer.
by Row 3 March 5, 2010
A less sincere version of who cares. You can just throw it around to bother people. Usually does the job at owning people in arguments.
by dirtyrupees July 10, 2020