a phrase that was created at Lakewood High School in Lakewood CA
if a girl is wearing white shorts, it is safe to assume that she takes it in the ass during sex.
any guy that sees a female wearing white shorts, has the right to scream "white shorts!" as loud as possible to let everyone in the area know she does.
if a girl is wearing white shorts, it is safe to assume that she takes it in the ass during sex.
any guy that sees a female wearing white shorts, has the right to scream "white shorts!" as loud as possible to let everyone in the area know she does.
walking down the street with the bros..
scope a fine group of girls and notice one with white shorts on
scope a fine group of girls and notice one with white shorts on
by c-well September 15, 2011
When someone with a light skin complexion gets a tan while only wearing shorts. Now when your not wearing anything then it looks like your wearing white shorts because you didn't get a tan there.
I was outside all day in the sun I didn't use sun screen.
So when I got home I got undressed to take a shower,
but it looked like I was still wearing white shorts.
So when I got home I got undressed to take a shower,
but it looked like I was still wearing white shorts.
by Ryko Kold May 21, 2008
Staying away from home all night, esp. due to casual sex at someone else's house. From Australian Football League away uniforms: the 'away' playing team always wears white shorts.
Jane walks in the door at 11am.
Jane's housemate: (sly look) "So, did you wear the white shorts, then?"
Jane: "Shut up!"
Jane's housemate: (sly look) "So, did you wear the white shorts, then?"
Jane: "Shut up!"
by rosiefantail August 4, 2008
The theory that states that any girl wearing white shorts will always look attractive at a distance, especially at night. Always. This theory might produce actual results of the forementioned girl actually being attractive, but she will definitley look slightly less attractive than what you imagined her to be.
Guy: "Yo duuuude, check out that girl in the white shorts, she looks bangin'!"
Theorist: "I dunno man, remember white shorts theory. She could totally be an uggo."
Guy: "Good call, I'll get closer and scope her out."
Theorist: "I dunno man, remember white shorts theory. She could totally be an uggo."
Guy: "Good call, I'll get closer and scope her out."
by Duke92 October 25, 2010
A style of clothing particularly associated with that of the girls rugby team of Maryville, Tennessee.
Coach: "Take a second to look over there at those girls in their faggoty white shorts."
Team: "They sure are faggoty!"
All together: "Hahaha"
Team: "They sure are faggoty!"
All together: "Hahaha"
by A Fly-half July 23, 2006
An ugly combination of colors that in most sports is reserved for officials/referees. A team wearing this combination will never, as Jerry Rice once said, "look good, feel good, {and/or} play good." This phenomena usually results from a poor team decision making process during which the team tries to be democratic. However, in reality, said decision making process ends up being a group of tasteless undergrads with no sense of style arguing about fabrics, designs, and colors.
by Sabah Man May 9, 2007
by Fxiry_farts June 21, 2018