I would say weeb would be a weirdo or some people who are noobs and just call them weebs 🤷🏻 ♀️
Me: hello weebs. What are yall doin?
by Sassy.bihhh01 March 19, 2020
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people who stay up all night playing league of legends and has a camera roll full of anime and thinks the girl he used to make fun of is hot now and has the sleep schedule of a retarded otter and is the fucking size of big foot with a hint of schizophrenia
by cary August 8, 2022
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A species of culture. You can often find them in the natural habitat watching anime and simping over fictional characters. Sometimes you can even find them watching tik toks or listening to asmr.
Cultured Weeb: Sawaras nai kimi wa shojo wa na no?
böKù Wâ ÿARiçHiñ BįCChī ńO oSû Dà YO
by December 17, 2020
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1) a weeb is just a...... person that likes anime a lot.
by uhhhhhh a person.io April 22, 2020
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