A person that loves sports anime and probably has a spam account where they post about their anime boys.
ejna is such a weeb. aot is trash anyways lmao stan haikyuu
by Haikyuuuwuwu August 28, 2019
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A non-human alienoid who enjoys watching anime/hentai in his/her basement. It often has a body pillow with the picture of his/her favourite character.
Renan: Luis is a fucking weeb
Artemio: Yo don't say that it only increases his power levels
by Your Uncle Clyde November 4, 2019
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A male or female westerner who admires Japan and it's culture.
A weeb is a weeb, regardless if they are male or female. That's not necessarily a bad thing however - it's OK to like the things you like.
by Dark Signer of Judgement October 7, 2022
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A degenerate stuck watching anime 24/7
Person 1- "Where's John?"
Person 2- "He's a weeb, I don't think we'll be seeing him anymore."
by Jesseandmistawhite9034 July 8, 2023
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Guy1: you a weeb bro? cringe.
Guy2: yeah and so are you
by Amar L November 29, 2020
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t r u e p s y c h o p a t h s... who also happen to be slightly obsessed with anime.

usually rejected by straight white males.
Straight dude 1: hey, that girls hot!
Straight dude 2: yeah, but she's a weeb.
Straight dude 1: ew.
by sadepression_45 October 28, 2020
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“Are you a weeb?”
Go touch grass you moron
by Theillz914 June 29, 2022
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