When you spend all your money on strippers then make out to your friends like the strippers stole it from your pocket.
"awwww did you get wobbed yeah"
by James56333 June 13, 2017
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When you're feeling pretty trippy and knackered.
'it was that busy at work it wobbed me out'
by WobbedLAD May 20, 2013
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When a person with a speech impediment has something stolen from them.
Fweddy(freddy) noticed all of the money was missing fwom(from) his bank account then said to himself "I've been wobbed"
by Xavier Heathershaw January 19, 2011
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What dubstep basses sound like.
Not techno or Homer Simpson as some guys said on here.

Can sometimes be the answer to questions related to going out - or your relatives.
- How was last nite??
- wob wob wob!

- Shall we have a night out?
- wob wob wob!

- Your mum's filthy.
- wob wob wob.
by B.P.O. November 8, 2010
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The most stupid synonym for dubstep that people who just got introduced by the music use.

It originates from the sounds that are contained by the known 'wobble' that mostly starts after a 'drop' of a dubstep song
Me: Hey man, do you like hip-hop?
Other: No I like dubstep!
Me: Why do you like it?
Me: You know any good dubstep?
Other: Oh not really, I just like the WOB WOB!!!
by Mrheadphoneguy February 21, 2011
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The sound of the bass at a rave or techno club. wob-wob-wob-wob
man i still cant hear anything he had that wob turned up..
or he had the wobble turned up
by D-mac423 March 19, 2009
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Christmas. Comes from the first suggestion when you try to enter 'xmas' into a text on a phone with T9.
by naranjito February 16, 2009
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