a unique American state, bordering the Canadian province of Quebec. For a few years during the Revolution Vermont was an independent republic. Vermont has Lake Champlain (known for the Champ monster), the picturesque Green Mountains, snowy winters, cool people, clean air, and of course, its famous maple syrup industry.
On a Sunday I drove from Montreal to St. Alban's Bay, Vermont because I had never been to New England before. At the border is a sign that says "Welcome to the United States, Bienvenue Etat Unis". A nearby sign welcomes you to Vermont. I took a few shots of the Green Mountains panorama and the Champaign lake. I didn't see the Champ, however. When I returned to Canada the lady border patrol officer smiled when I showed her the bottle of Vermont syrup I got for my mom.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice April 11, 2007
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It seems that 99% of the definitions written on this page were written by people who never lived here, or where so stoned they forgot where they were. Just to clarify a few things:

- Does not have more cows than people.. It's not even close IDK why anyone thinks this.
- There are almost no Ben and Jerry's left in the State. They are all moving out b/c there isn't a good market here and they got bought out.
- People are generally nice. There are dicks too just like in any state.
- All the "wanna-be gangsters" (there are like 7 total) live on one street in Winooski. So the odds of seeing those people is .00001%
- The weather is actually not that cold. It gets FREEZING for like a month, but most of the time it hovers nicely between 60 and 90. There are two weeks in July that often go above 90. Imagine a temp difference of over 100 degrees, that's what it's like.
-Someone said crime is rampant. You might think that if you're coming from...... I don't know the Maldives. I sleep with my doors open.
- Cheese, maple syrup, beef, beer, and music are as good as advertised.
- It's extremely rural, but the state is so small that it's never a long drive to Burlington, NY, Boston, Montreal etc.
- People say everyone are hicks. Oh, except the fact that we have UVM, Champlain College, and Middlebury, three very good schools.
- People say everyone is a liberal. That's SO not true. In any part other than Chittenden, Washington, or Rutland County, it's like a 50-50 split.
Guy from Vermont: Hey you want to drive up and spend the weekend on my couch? We just got 2' of snow!
Friend from New Jersey: Dude Vermont sucks, there's nothing to do and everyone is a dickhead.
Guy from Vermont: Uh, okay. *hangs up phone*
by Go deep! June 2, 2013
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Also known as YUPPIE LAND. The "Vermont anomaly" is a case in which people convince themselves that a higher cost of living provides a greater quality of life. Those who work 1.5- 2 jobs just to keep up with the Jones' are subject to this anomaly. With Saabs and Volvos in the driveway one feels above the rest of society paying $300k for a home and land only worth about $100k. The real Vermonters consider these folks transplants as more than 95% of them are and contest that they are "Vermonters". Crime rate is rampant even "friends" in Vermont will try to make a buck off of you, and the schools aren't any better than anywhere else. And for open minded peace loving people they are are Dicks and are quite judgmental wondering why no others wouldn't want to move to Vermont. Well the reason is because of people aka douche bags, like yourselves. So when you are complaining of not having time or money or you're too tired ask yourself if your quality of life really is better. All Vermont really is is an overlandscaped New Jersey. How do ya like that?
Vermont is also known as upper Westchester........
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Cloudy weather 364 days per year
Summer lasts from July 1 to July 14
State Animal is the Carpenter Ant
State Bird is the Mosquito
A whole state where nobody thinks, they just 'feel that....'
Food stamps and government programs are a way of life
Taxes through the roof, pay levels through the floor
If you weren't born there they hate you and make it no secret
The only state that is actually an Eastern European country
Thinks 'the eyes of the world are on them'.
Total state population less than that of many cities.
Women more masculine than some of the men.
Look what it did to Howard Dean. "YAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!"
"I used to live in Vermont, but I moved back to America."
by Rooster Davis August 2, 2006
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one of the top 10 most expensive states to live in, Vermont is not "nice" as people would say, Its very nosey, snobby, and pretentious. The living wages are awful, job market is a joke, weather is terrible, and it's boring as piss. population consists mostly of preppy kids with loaded parents trying to get out, and heroin/pill dealers trying to stay and take advantage. Any town that doesnt cost you a literal fotune to live in, will be a complete falling apart dump, and that is most of them. The best thing about Vermont is snow and maple syrup, and real maple syrup sucks. Truely only a place worth visiting.
"hey man, wanna visit Vermont?"
"yeah, but only because I'm loaded and love snowboarding."
by iehfi April 21, 2016
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A state that can be good for some people and bad for others. For me it sucks, i hav lived here pretty much my whole childhood and it seems incomplete i think hunting, fishing, and skiing are boring as shit, maple syrup sucks, the only thing it got goin is cabot cheese and ben and jerrys (even tho its not locally owned anymore and was bought out by some bigass company) o ya and i like snomobiling, but other than that vt is filled with rednecks, hippies, wannabe gangstas and barely any hot chicks, i live out in the fucking woods in the middle of nowhere and if, tomoro, my parents said we were moving to an urban area, i would go berserk for the thought of having a night life...
Vermont sucks unless ur a redneck...
by Footballkid002 June 30, 2009
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