Admin of the Anti-Cheater Alliance Discord, primary occupation is a GOD map creator for all things hypixel related. overall a kind person who can joke around quite a bit. Occasionally stupid in ways of doing things.
Person 1: *Finds an obscure and roundabout way to do something very simple*
Person 2: Why did you go and pull a veriti?
Person 1: *Builds an awesome map*
Person 2: That map is amazing Veriti!
by hackboy_reachis5 March 8, 2018
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She's beautiful. She's the most favorite friend of all. She doesn't get angry. She's funny. She's smart. A friend who you can tell all your problems. A good keeper. The type of girl whom every guy likes. The best person you'll ever met.
Guy1: Man, I love Verity.
Guy2: Everyone loves Verity, man.
by the bad bij February 2, 2020
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The meaning of Verity is 'truth'

An honest, bubbly, beautiful girl.

Her eyes are hypnotising and she has a great sense of humour and you can talk to her about anything. She won't breathe a word about it or bitch. She is a great mate and very talented in many areas, including the bedroom.
Verity: "You can talk to me about anything"

Person: "Is your name Verity?"
by Nicety13 December 3, 2011
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Latin for truth. Every girl named Verity I have ever known have been the most beautiful, kind, trustworthy, cool chicks in the world. Especially in Australia
Who is that beautiful sweet girl?
Her name just has to be Verity
cute beautiful honest caring trustworthy
by b4dguy March 6, 2015
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verity is the kindest most amazing duck in the world,

she'll always be there for you if you need her no matter how complicated things get
and always has an ear open to listen when you need her.

you could not ask for a better friend than veritys
by olive 1 April 23, 2013
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One with the ability to pull whomever she wants, be it a girl, boy, even a famous sportsperson. Often found to have a large array of chat up lines, with her specialty being related to her ability to pole dance.
Man, that girl is such a Verity, we've only just got here and she's already pulled the fittest guy!
by Trago Mills January 17, 2012
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The most beautiful, intelligent (usually suppressed), all around amazing girl one could ever come into contact with.
The type of girl, which when one becomes separated from, cannot stop thinking about.
She's the kind of girl that one can only long for in a sense of accompaniment.
For a girl by this name can and never will be gained, but only lost by the likes of the author.

Any form of contact with Verity, pulls me from my state of depression.
by ex_nihilo April 29, 2009
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