by rock paper machete September 16, 2018
Ugh why won't my computer work? I'm so verged right now.
by Lintowl April 2, 2020
Guy 1: hey, I've seen a video on The Verge about how to build a computer!
Guy 2: That video is full of bullshit.
Guy 2: That video is full of bullshit.
by nofontnl December 24, 2018
“Am I virgin? Nah im on the verge of losing it though....He ate me out and sucked on my titties, next time, Hopefully, He goes inside of me.”
by D-Maul August 8, 2018
When assembling your computer, be careful not to verge it.
I was OCing my cpu and increased the voltage to 1.550 and now it won't boot. I think I verged it.
I was OCing my cpu and increased the voltage to 1.550 and now it won't boot. I think I verged it.
by GreenGold October 20, 2019
To build something to dangerously bad quality, and then attempt to erase the evidence that you ever tried. Then trying to censor anyone who talks about it, followed by attacking them on social media, and finally playing the victim.
Dude, looks like you're about to verge the fuck out of your $2000 pc build. It's gonna blow up as soon as you plug it in!
by nacho.libre February 20, 2019