To add something about someone in the Urban Dictionary because you dont have the balls or the intelligence to communicate it to them personally.
Hey I'm pretty intellectually inadequate, insecure, and superficial. Let me go Urb-Dicking someone because I dont have the cohonays to say it to them personally. Even if I am the only one who understands my joke or meaning so what? It's hip and cyber to add to this right? Right?!?
by Messenger Of The One December 19, 2008
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Urb Dick is an abreviation for "urban dictionary" and is used when not wanting to complete all six syllabyls. it also gives you permission to say 'dick' on a regular basis.
Person A: Hey have you checked the new word of the day?
Person B: Duh, I check it every day on urb dick.
by bamfstat101 March 30, 2010
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using urban to find insulting words to use while instant messaging ur bro, because u are bored at work.
Sorry man, i am just going to urbdick u to death today.
by Cupressus August 3, 2005
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Someone obsessed with inventing and posting pointless words and phrases to Urban Dictionary.
Henry proved he is a genuine Urb Dict Dick when he posted his fiftieth entry to Urban Dictionary.
by Duraiken August 21, 2022
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