To be brave, heroic, solid and stoic. A tribute to the peoples of Ukraine.
Mykola normally works in an office answering phones and working the company inbox. He now faces down Putins tanks having never used a weapon in his life. Mykola is made of 100% Ukranium.
by On the Buses March 5, 2022
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testicles made of the toughest material in the world
That guy jumping onto the Russian tank and raising the blue and yellow flag needs a wheelbarrow for his Ukranium balls.
by Had2thinkawhile March 5, 2022
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Ukranium is a small country located in Denmark, the origins of the country of Ukranium is a heavily disputed subject, some retarded geologists might claim that Ukranium does not exist, but little do they know - it does, and it is marvelous.
A surprising fact about Ukranium is that the name actually means "Victory" in russian.

Ukranium was founded in 1832 by the german scientist Hans Fritzl Hauk II.
Hello team, i am from Ukranium, where are you from?

Let us go and achieve Ukranium

These goofy niggas will never achieve Ukranium with their braindead strats lmaooo
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