An acronym for the term Universal Resource Locater. The url of website is the address you type in your web browser to go to it is the URL for the webite called GOOGLE
by lathargic October 14, 2005
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Uniform Resource Locator, or basically the
adress for those of you n00bs
as in is a fucking URL
by anarchy7 January 24, 2005
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When you take Google's instructions too seriously.
Me: *types "url" into Google like a badass*
by Entry not found May 25, 2019
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Underground Racing League, a league made up of several teams of street racers. We like planning way too long races, eating Pocky, and partying.
I am part of a team that races in the URL. We are known as the red eagles.
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Standing for Universal Resorce Link, meaning a website or path on the internet. Usually pronounced letter by letter, not as one syllable.
by Kris18 September 17, 2006
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N00b: Whats a URL
me: URL= U R Lost- Welcome to the Internet
by tothemax June 20, 2007
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Guy A: Hey, what's that quote site's url?
Guy B: Oh, it's
by Em November 13, 2003
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