When it's your birthday, and you're going out with all your friends to party.. and then your dirty pledge bro comes by while you're out partying because he knows everyones out of town, and robs your apartment. A real low down scumbag move.
God damn, I went with my friends to the club to celebrate my birthday, and I got tuggled while I was gone.
by DTUG October 18, 2011
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The small, fleshy area at the junction of the sack and the taint. The showing of this piece of manscape is often considered the most offensive gesture known globally; found to be at least 2.4 times as offensive as the middle finger.
That broad at the bar pissed me off, so I lifted my sack and showed her my tuggles!
by scroach March 16, 2010
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A tuggle is a mix between a hug, a snuggle, and a tackle it also is somewhat of a mix between a glomp as well. They're very fun if done right.
*falls over*
by Rosey♥Greg April 1, 2006
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Like a cuddle, but with a teddy.
'Pass me that teddy, I'm in need of a big tuggle'
by JessSelene April 15, 2009
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A Tuggle is half man, half demi-god. Virtually indestructible, with super human like strength, knowledge and an impeccable memory. Tuggles have been known to knock out their largest rivals, a Sorensen, effortlessly. It was once said that a Tuggle and a Sorensen dated, conceived a child, and birthed the Spawn of Satan himself. Though banned thru both family heritages, sightings of a Tuggle & Sorensen together are reported to this day!!
"Brotato chip, you'll never believe what I saw today!! A real live Tuggle bro. It was the dopest thing I've ever seen"
by Truth Spreader9322 August 21, 2019
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Noun. While in the act of cuddling, a significant other gives a hand job out of pity with minimal effort; generally not from start-to-finish, thus would not be considered an old-fashioned.
"Baby, I'm too tired for sexy time; how about a tuggle."
Recipient: come on, I know you're tired, I'll be quick lets get down...(sex)
Tired partner: no, I'm tired I had a long day..
Recipient: how about just a tuggle? Please?
by Slumpbuster October 25, 2014
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Toy from the 90's. It had rubber feet and a small plastic leash with a heart on the end. You pulled it along and the rubber feet made it looked like it was walking. It was awesome.
by LkRose December 5, 2010
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