An internet meme which gained popularity in early 2010. Often described as the "Russian Rickroll", the video features a very happy and well dressed Russian business man singing a variety of sounds in different pitches (La la la la la, la la la, la la la, ho ho ho ho ho). The title of the video is "Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой" which when roughly translated means "I am very glad, because I'm finally back home".
by MemeKing March 8, 2010
"Trololo" is any bullshit (or other) speech which is completely unfounded in reality, contains absolutely no truthful substance but is spoken in a happy, optimistic way. Generally, the speaker is not aware that they are completely full of shit - this is most common amongst clueless businessmen or entrepreneurs pitching venture capitalists on lame business ideas.
Trololo is interchangeable with "Bullshit" but contains a connotation of a positive, clueless delivery on the part of the person speaking it e.g., the person speaking does not realize that they are full of shit and is way too happy.
The Trololo-er is someone who has committed the ultimate sin of buying into their own bullshit.
(Based on the world famous "Trololo" video posted on YouTube featuring a happy Russian singer happily spouting / singing nonsensical phrases)
Trololo is interchangeable with "Bullshit" but contains a connotation of a positive, clueless delivery on the part of the person speaking it e.g., the person speaking does not realize that they are full of shit and is way too happy.
The Trololo-er is someone who has committed the ultimate sin of buying into their own bullshit.
(Based on the world famous "Trololo" video posted on YouTube featuring a happy Russian singer happily spouting / singing nonsensical phrases)
"That presentation was the worst bunch of Trololo I ever heard."
"Did you hear that Trololo Steve Jobs was spouting about Adobe Flash?"
"Our CEO is the king of Trololo, I have never met someone who has bullshitted themselves so thoroughly."
"Did you hear that Trololo Steve Jobs was spouting about Adobe Flash?"
"Our CEO is the king of Trololo, I have never met someone who has bullshitted themselves so thoroughly."
by Trollo May 8, 2010
A video posted to youtube, which features a Russian man in a suit with a huge grin singing nonsense like "trolololololo, tralalalalala, yeyeyeyeyeye". The song is called "I'm so happy I'm finally coming home" and had real lyrics until Soviet censors denied them and the singer changed them to nonsense. The video itself is a recording of a 1966 performance of the song.
by kmfr November 5, 2010
Mr. Trololo is a nickname for a man with a golden voice whose name is Edward Khil. Edward got the nickname after singing a song called "I am so happy to be home" in 1976 on t.v. When the viedo reached the internet he became famous and the way he sung on the video such as lolololololololol trololo. He is old, but he sings as he did in his glory days.
lololololololololololololololololololol, LOL!
trololo lalalalala!
Mr. Trololo
lololololololololololololololololololol, LOL!
trololo lalalalala!
Mr. Trololo
by Soyuz Missle January 19, 2011
1. To ramble incessantly about something.
2. To troll someone with a meme.
3. A more recent replacement for "for the lulz!"
Taken from the early-2010 internet meme of the "Russian Rick Roll".
2. To troll someone with a meme.
3. A more recent replacement for "for the lulz!"
Taken from the early-2010 internet meme of the "Russian Rick Roll".
Trololo (verb)
Example 1:
John: And so I went to the place with the guy and we did the thing and then this other thing happened so we met up with a guy in a place...
Example 2:
John: *Puts pedobear image on /b*
Jack: WTF, noob. Quit trololoing the forum.
John: Trololo!
Example 3:
Jack: Why did you set the maternity ward on fire?
John: Trololo!
Example 1:
John: And so I went to the place with the guy and we did the thing and then this other thing happened so we met up with a guy in a place...
Example 2:
John: *Puts pedobear image on /b*
Jack: WTF, noob. Quit trololoing the forum.
John: Trololo!
Example 3:
Jack: Why did you set the maternity ward on fire?
John: Trololo!
by AlexeiThePseudonamer November 19, 2010