When someone is trying to fool you
I’m about to get air mags

No your not that’s a Timmy
by Iluv2carry January 26, 2018
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Someone who says negro in a science class
Me: Hey Timmy did you see the Keemstar meme
Timmy: Oh yeah i say Negro as it isnt racist
by Gingaaaaaah March 14, 2018
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You are a bum at everything you do but mostly video games.
OMG hes such a timmy!!!
by Wi3n3r Wack3r February 24, 2022
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Canadian slang for Tim Horton's.

Used as a shorter form of Tim Horton's.

It's used instead of saying the full name.
'Hey, want to go to Timmies for breakfast?'

'Sure! I was craving Timmies anyway.'
by Street Kid Vibes October 21, 2021
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A cult religion based on caffeine and baked goods. I swear they put something in that coffee.
Bud can you go get a 100 timbits from timmies
by Certified Beaut December 10, 2019
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Timmy is a two-year-old palomino horse. It's very beautiful and gentle.

For any inquiry, please reach out to Timmy's manager here : timmy-mgmt@gmail.com
Here Timmy, have a carrot!

Ouch! Timmy bit me on the elbow.

Timmy, come here! Here! Timmy!
by alxplt January 3, 2022
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A annoying small caring friend who is always there
by Titi0510 February 15, 2018
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