Those Bitches!

Used when something bad happens to you like if the pop machine runs out of your favorite soda or when you're car won't start. Meant to convey your unhapiness about what has just happened and to blame whoever is responsible.
Friend 1: Hey, did you know that walmart doesn't carry that organic body wash you always use?

by It's Bailey Bitch!!! May 3, 2010
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Those Bitches

Those girls that spend their time thinking of ways to insult you and start rumors about you. Even though you're nice to them 24/7 they still treat you like piece of shit.
Stacy: Omg did you hear that becky is lesbian?
Tess: No she's not I know that for sure. One of those bitches probably made it up.
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My new gang. Come join.
Those Bitches In The Corner is the most badass gang I've ever seen
by thatbitchinthecorner December 29, 2020
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When u don’t pull out on time and the girl got pregnant. Duh!
Throw those BITCH’s in the blender. Cause who cares.
by Duck devil 69 June 11, 2019
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