Growing tired of ones actions prompting you to say such. When ones actions make you angry overtime, you will most likely say this.
by NotThatIDon'tLikeYou July 1, 2010
by idontgiveafuckx August 4, 2010
Used to (loosely) describe a geographic location that the person saying it is currently located. This person is usually a Thug or Gangsta or perhaps a Wigger.
by vaxt February 21, 2006
This saying does not have a specific deffinition but can be used whenever a bitch is bein a bitch. if shes doin somethin that pisses u off confuses u or just annoys the fuck out of u it works.
Mike- This bitch is fuckin playin games bro.
Danny- Bitches piss me off dawg but fuckit. Bitches is bitches is bitches
Mike- FUCK ya
Danny- Bitches piss me off dawg but fuckit. Bitches is bitches is bitches
Mike- FUCK ya
by DPR-DG4L December 16, 2009
Person 1: This bitch keeps talking to me, but I have no clue what she means.
Person 2: That happened to me too! Bitches Be Bitches!
Person 2: That happened to me too! Bitches Be Bitches!
by shottythebro March 6, 2012
Bitch the bitch is a phrase where you be a bigger cunt or "bitch" the someone who is being a "bitch" to you
Bitch says to you "your a fat toadfish" and you say back to the bitch being more of a bitch and say "we'll your a fat eel"
Bitch the bitch
Bitch the bitch
by MrEinstein June 10, 2017
by Kaylafa97 February 24, 2019