by Amsh March 18, 2012
by Iron Balls September 9, 2006
by c-hat-e January 22, 2013
The toilet. This word is usually associated with excessive vomiting due to massive intake of alcohol, a hangover, or projectile diarrhea
by Griffin Reed January 16, 2008
Most people might not know this (well maybe you do) but the White House is actually a huge mental institute, home to the USA's biggest crackpots. The Oval Office is the maximum security cell-the biggest one of them all, and it's home to "Inmate F.U.C.K.T.A.R.D." also known as George Bush.
by Mr. HEUYGWRUFJWSB September 10, 2006
by DeezNuts12378 April 26, 2022