A list of rules made by a girls friend group.

Rule #1. You must NEVER get with your friends ex or crush. If your friend calls dibs on a guy, back off. Exception: your friend gives you full permission and doesn’t care at all about the boy.
Girl #1: Ok so you guys know how I have a crush on Joe... well Rachel knew I liked him and she kissed him!
Girl #2. She can’t do that, it’s girl code!!

Girl #1. I know right, now we have to drop her..
by papajohnspizza March 28, 2019
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1. Don't date your friend's crushes, ex's, or any guy she has previously done stuff with
2. Don't talk to your friend's crushes, ex's, or any guy she has previously done stuff with
3. Don't think about your friend's crushes, ex's, or any guy she has previously done stuff with
4. See rule 5...
(exception; the relationship/ crush happened before puberty or you get permition :D)
She broke girl code
by idonttoleratefakefriends May 25, 2021
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A promise between 2 girls that cannot be broken. If a girl code is broken, it may end in a broken friendship. Girl code can only be used for important things such as crushes or secret make out seshes.
Brandon: Hey Julia who did Kelsy hookup with last week?
Julia: Sorry that's girl code! ;)

Jack: Who does Melanie have a crush on?
Donna: Sorry that's girl code! ;)
by Dittywop June 24, 2013
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Rebecca: Omg Sarah you cant date him that breaks the girl code I dated him
Sarah: that’s bullshit
by Thelegend2917 August 13, 2019
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girl code is a series of rules that every single girl on this planet must oblige (even if you have never met the girl) other wie there are many consequences

RULE NO. 1 Do not even think about sexually engaging with a guy who is not single. Even if he wants to!

RULE NO. 2 NEVER fat shame another gril! (even if shes fat)

RULE NO. 3 If you are aware of something another girl should be aware of (espesially if it has to do with her boyf or bff)tell her straight away or you will cop it when she eventually finds out

RULE NO.4 DO NOT talk SMACK wbout a girl you have never met (unless justified)

audrey: fran i think got with lucas do i tell Naomi

ruby: of course dude GIRL CODE
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1. A getaway option for trying to get out of explaining something either awkward or embarrassing.

2. A way a girl can keep her mystery and elusiveness when it comes to dealing with the male variety of the human species

Boy: "So who does your friend like?"
Girl: " Sorry, girl code, painful results if I let it out"
Boy: "Hmmph...."


Boy: "So what was that about..?"
Girl: "According the Girl Code, you'll just never know...."
Boy: " Hmmph..."
by Holmes Bones November 3, 2013
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a set of useless, bullshit rules that girls use to govern and bully around their friends, girls or guys.
examples of breaking the girl code:
1. you slept with a guy a friend used to like
2. you ask a guy out that you once saw an aquaintance out with a month before
3. you are friends with someone your friend hates
Girl 1: "what did i do wrong?"
Girl 2: "hello!? you fucking broke the girl code rule #27."
Girl 3: "oh, duh, i checked out a guy that you once that was cute. i am so sorry."
by ella123 July 27, 2005
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