A Japanese reality TV show in which participants share a house with each other and have their not-so interesting lives filmed at times. Although some of the young adults participating in Terrace House can be decent people, it is common for some participants to use their time in the house as an opportunity to advertise their small shops, promote their careers, and/or gain new followers for their Instagram pages. Also a 'reality TV' show that attracts selfish players and divas.
Person 1: Have you watched Terrace House before? I heard it's very realistic and unscripted. Is that true?
Person 2: Yeah, the interactions and scenes in Terrace House are 'totally authentic'.
by theemokidfromhighschool December 6, 2020
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Raymond Terrace is the central town for druggo's and crack addicts to hang out at in the hunter valley australia. They also house the entire lower hunters dam water supply .
I asked some people in raymond terrace if they had been iceskating before but half the towns already on ice.
by a socially akward aussie March 10, 2020
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a project street in hempstead thats really bad and everyone smokes crack
terrace ave is aplace you dont wanna be at night
by wumaster May 3, 2007
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A town in the dead center of Riverside and San Bernardino. Nicer than the surrounding areas, but still not that awesome. Filled to the brim with old people and bros. Home of the worst thing in the world, Tapout.
"Did you go to Grand Terrace yesterday?"
"Yeah, I almost go ran over by a goddamn Bro truck with a stupid goddamn Tapout sticket."
by John Locke. July 15, 2008
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a small town in washington state between shoreline & lynnwood. known for teenage drug use & it's rivalry with lynnwood.
"dude, mountlake terrace sucks!"

"hey, at least we're better than lynnwood!"
by angela greene July 27, 2008
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A town based on little houses all together but individually beautiful. In the winter it is bare as fuck and all anyone does is smoke or drink. In the summer all you do is smoke and drink but at least its summer and you have an excuse =p

Bellerose is surrounded by three things=

-the highway
by Mike Zinnitii June 5, 2009
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