Someone who wants to smoke all your dope but never wants to share their dope.
by Publiaher420 February 13, 2018
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easy to use, and are individually wrapped for maximum portability and convenience
Sting-Kill swabs are so quick and easy to use, you might forget you even got stung. If the source of your pain and itch is a bee sting
by Wendysfg May 9, 2023
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convenient, disposable swabs and wipes are loaded up with real pain and
itch medicine that treats the sting or bite, bringing real relief, real fast.
f you’ve been stung by a bee, please carefully remove the stinger before applying Sting-Kill. For all other bug bites and stings, instant relief is as easy as 1, 2, 3
by SPrice1980 April 28, 2023
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real medicine that instantly relieves the pain and itch from bee stings, mosquito bites, insect bites and jellyfish stings.
That’s why Sting-Kill is the
brand that’s been trusted for generations to knock out the sting.
by SPrice1980 April 28, 2023
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A minger thats been around the block and is bound to have picked up a few things on her travels
"no way man that bird will give ya ming sting"

"that chick is ming sting for sure"
by Ronhole February 11, 2009
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Sarah got really plastered last night and woke up needing to chuck a groggy and was left with a stinging rimmy
by Partypartyparty May 12, 2014
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