Sole Survivor

A Sole Survivor is a term that defines a person who only survived some terrible accident,meaning that from a certain number of people ,only one person survived
Sally: Did you heard about that deadly plane crash that happened two days ago?
Karen: Of course,i heard that teenage girl Melissa is a Sole Survivor
by Kaivosguy11 May 20, 2020
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Sole Survivor

A spin-off of Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn. You play the role of a single soldier in your quest to defeat all the other soliders in the vicinity, picking up upgrades and vehicles along the way.

Abbreviation: SS
I was playing Sole Survivor last night and some Nod punk Chem Sprayed me to death. I was so mad!
by Joseph D. Collins May 1, 2005
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The SOLE Survivor

Carson Garrett is The SOLE Survivor
by gmhill March 10, 2023
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