The PH

A code term used by 5th and 6th graders that stands for "Porn Hub". If they use it around there parents they say that they were studying for science. (The Ph scale!)
Axel:"We should watch the PH tonight!"
Mom:"What that?"
by TOMDARAK May 7, 2020
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Dude my mom almost caught me on Ph last night!
by Pansexy December 3, 2016
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It's the acronym for the phonetic code "Peace Hindi S" used to camouflage the famous "Piss in the Ass" phrase from South Park's "Le Petit Tourette" episode. A second layer of code would be "PA Chess".
Everything today's going wrong. PHS!,
Stop phs'in around and do some work!
PHS, usak.
by kontoc1 June 10, 2009
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A word that is short for

"Porn hub"

Not "Pizza hut"
Mike: oh dude im so horny im gonna go on Ph
Will: Pizza hut
Mike: no the other Ph
Will: ohhhh
by Chinese Santa December 11, 2017
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short for power hug \ used at end of informal letters or text messages instead of the Xs and Os representing kisses and hugs
The best part of any airport is always ‘Arrivals’ – everywhere you look there’s a PH happening.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ November 3, 2011
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a ridiculous spelling of the word fat. Ph@ is used to describe somthing that is cool in the same way that fat spelt phat may be used however the @ is more commonly used in electronic forms of communication and expresses a greater degree of ph@ness moreso than fat, or even phat
omg! that concert was PH@!!! and i mean ph@ spelt P-H- at symbol!
by Philly ree July 19, 2008
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by jerome February 26, 2005
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