To grab one’s ears and thrust your penis joyfully in their butt :). Once you’re about to ejaculate, you must whisper into the participant’s ear, “I dun Goofed! Hyuck!!”
Joyce: “Hey me and my boyfriend did The Goofy last night, and I think he stretched my ears along with my anus.”
Dhonna: “Super sick brother! 🤙🏿“
by The Almighty Goofster September 4, 2018
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A goofy is a silly ass mothafucker who kinda wacky but they chill
“You a fuckin goofy bro
by Rosee0326 August 2, 2018
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Chicago term for a lame or a snitch.
Aye bro that goofy ass nigga snitched on us.
by bustus1 January 26, 2016
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Someone who is dumb, says anything dumb or does anything in a dumb/stupid manner.
The answer is 5 goofy, obviously you ain’t study.”

Shut the hell up.”
by Irv <3 February 14, 2022
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Damn I need a goofy girl :(
Bruhh she’s so goofy
by Define 23 September 2, 2018
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Sweet yet harmlessly funny or silly
She is so goofy that she made me change the definition of goofy.
by The girl under the tree August 15, 2020
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