someone who does many sinful acts with their s.o, acts that our homie up in heaven Jesus would not approve of
"Oh my gosh Kaitlyn you had sex with him? You're such a sin factory!"
by sinfactoryCIO January 8, 2018
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A warm greasy place with a nostalgic smell
Visiting my grandma's estate felt like hopping into Louie Anderson's Butter Factory
by BlinxTheMemeCat November 19, 2021
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It’s literally just chocolate on poopoo hole ...
You have charley in the chocolate factory
by Traitor on your mom May 17, 2021
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A man-made watercourse that flows past a charmin' "antique" mill where skilled craftspeople produce clay noses for store-mannequins and wig-display craniums.
Disgruntled high-school student: BLAST IT ALL --- here I signed up for this class 'cuz I'd assumed we were gonna take a fun-filled field-trip to see an "ol' factory canal", but instead we just got stuck in a regular boring classroom and studied an insipid textbook about the human smelling-system!
by QuacksO April 15, 2019
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