The Defender

Origin: The Simpsons
"The Defender" is a large cinder block on a chain. it is used by swinging in a circular motion to bash people's skulls in.
Bart: Omg, someone's broken into our house!

Homer: Bart, get the Defender!
by qwerty_21 November 23, 2009
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The Land Rover Defender is most KICK ASS 4x4 ever created by man. My stock Land Rover D90 is the biggest ass piece of gas guzzelin', jeep humpin', road rulin', extention of manhood you have ever seen. All other 4x4s are booty.
My Defender rocks. I wish I had two of them.
by Effe April 16, 2005
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The best arcade game ever. Fiendishly hard game where you had to destroy evil aliens before they killed all the humans on the planet below. Used a awful button scheme with 5 buttons and a joystick, but still quite fun.
Defender kicks ass!
by Luigi30 March 19, 2004
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In America this means terminating anyone and everyone for their own personal security, even if it meant the entire world would be destroyed. It's also common to attack weak countries that could possibly stand up against them in certain ways, or for national benefit.

And then call it "Defending"

This can also be described as: "Fighting for peace" or more correctly "Fighting for our peace, screw everyone else"
Let's attack iraq and take their oil, it could be to our benefit in the long run. While saying it's to defend our country.

This is correct yet egoistic.
by max March 30, 2005
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Ability to be defended
In defendibility. procedures ought to be based on the best available research and recommendations.
by Hercolena Oliver January 16, 2010
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A crusader who's the best of the best when it comes to defending the holy Land and a Destroyer of furrys
Fuze: hey you know what's defender up to? A chad": yeah just defending the holy Land while killing furrys
by Nuker3713 October 4, 2018
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Sex defender

Someone is being sexually assaulted by a Sex offender and nobody is there to help. What do you do?

1. Join
2. Escape
3. Call the Sex defenders

Correct answer: 3. Call the sex defenders
A: "Oh no, she is being assaulted by a Sex offender! What do we do?"
B: "Call the Sex defenders!"
by Sukoforiko January 15, 2021
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