Tentacle Hentai

Nice Christian content that you can watch with little jimmy and sally!
"Hey kids, wanna go watch some Tentacle Hentai?"
by Oniichan~!!! aAH!~~~ mmm! July 24, 2020
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tentacle hentai

A form of anime or manga, part of the hentai genre, where some kind of strange alien creature shoves its tentacles up a girl's vagina.
Save the schoolgirls! Use tentacle free products!
(An anti-tentacle hentai button I got at Nan Desu Kan '10)
by hai_bai November 7, 2010
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Celebrated every 27 January, so go watch your favourite tentacle Hentai👀
Holy shit its National Tentacle Hentai Day!
by TheSoundOfUhhh January 27, 2021
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"all the way through tentacle" is a phrase included in the hentai genre, where a tentacle inserts itself into a woman(typically a teenager)'s anus so far that it protrudes out of the mouth
yo dude, I found this radical all the way through tentacle hentai, you wanna see it bro?
by xXdekuboy69420Xx February 13, 2017
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