
The Thing People Hate The Most When The Use It Most

america: i hate you
by im4r3al August 19, 2015
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What the majority of America is addicted to, along with McDonald's. In volves sitting on your couch and eating snacks while getting fat.
Me: Mom, my thighs are huge.

Mom: That wouldn't happen if you didn't watch so much televison.
by simba717 August 20, 2008
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BBC televison centre

A now outdated building that is used for televison production and news by the BBC. the decor inside looks like it hasn't been renovated since the 1960s.
woah dude, once you enter the BBC televison centre it takes you back to the 60s maaan.
by legless June 16, 2006
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rodovised televison

A TV station in the horror genre created by a unknown person
by November 10, 2020
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