man tackler

A dude who likes to have sex with other dudes.
"hey man you watch out for him, he's a man tackler"
by marlon December 29, 2005
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ape tackler

A guy who always ends up with the ugliest girl out of a group of women.
(said to your bud after a long night) dude, that bitch was nasty, your such a fucking ape tackler.
by Sexier Joe April 22, 2007
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vag tackler

One who tackles vag's on a daily basis rather violently. Once the vag is spotted, a man is to immediately tackle it. This will earn you the title "vag tackler".
Fat chick: *has vag in open sight*
Vag tackler: I refuse to tackle yo' vag bitch nigga
by madbro69x January 11, 2012
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taint tackler

A person who is more than enthusiastic about licking taint
I thought johny wasn't a team player, but he was the best taint tackler on the team
by butteater66669420 March 28, 2015
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I whipped my tackler out
by ericA69 January 28, 2022
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sack tackler

Bobby: What a faggot
Jimmy:IKR! sack tackler
by swanybeast69 December 6, 2010
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sack tackler

someone, generally a young man, who is very involved with the handling of testes and especially the sack of said testes
Tommy says, "Eric said some really shitty stuff today."
Billy says, "Don't worry, that Eric guy is a sack tackler."
by Adolf Hitler IV September 21, 2010
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