abbreviation for "today years old".meaning your current age today.
usually used in a sentence when talking about something you learned very recently or should've learned a long time ago.
"I was TYO when I learned that babies don't get dropped out of the sky by storks"
by sarahsmiles05 March 22, 2021
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In response to someone's opinion you most definitely disagree with.

If someone were to say Lebron is better than MJ, you would respond TYO!
by MrDashCash March 29, 2019
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You meant to write “typing” but instead your finger slipped and you hit O instead of P and then you googled as a joke now your here
by Hibcoolness September 28, 2018
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of french decent, in japanese means sun, also means too cool for comfort, capricorn, mushrooms trips in the snow. also known as tailon, means a manther (male cougar), writer and someone who wears an old man jacket, kicks rocks along the street and drinks excessive amounts of alcohol. also known to yell obscenities in mcdonalds, to anyone who eats mcdonalds, or anyone named murray. vistit for more information
that guy just pulled a tyo on that girl

by tailon-ted August 20, 2008
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when some jackass touches your buddies sandwich, you smack him on his head and say "tyos"
by daniel.2.0 December 15, 2010
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