An old America Online term. If one were to act up in chat room, a moderator could TOS you. It was similar to a kick, except AOL would disconnect, and every member on your account was notified with an e-mail. Multiple TOSes could result in losing your AOL account.
by Brian D April 28, 2007
TOS means "Terms of Service". When users get too rowdy
some people report them to their Internet Service Provider
(a.k.a. ISP) or hosting service and if the user gets their account canceled,
people say they were TOSed.
some people report them to their Internet Service Provider
(a.k.a. ISP) or hosting service and if the user gets their account canceled,
people say they were TOSed.
by zerodevide August 21, 2003
by zuffix August 4, 2007
by zuffix August 4, 2007
Mostly used in Yeat´s songs, like "Inside Out" or "Gët Busy", reffering to Codeine (Tosenia).
Codeine is an opiate, which a lot of rappers abuse.
Codeine is an opiate, which a lot of rappers abuse.
by RRdavid July 25, 2022
by FactSpitter1001 February 26, 2019
A tose is when someone turns down another but a day/month/year later want them but then they get turned down making them a tease and a hoe which is a tose
by Amazingman21 March 15, 2015