Today on reddit I read the funniest story in the TIFU category.
by Kittysnape January 15, 2013
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An acronym originating from Reddit, TIFU stands for Today I Fucked Up.
by master_of_gays October 3, 2018
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Not getting our bonus pay this year … TIFU.
by Wordsmithie1953 January 15, 2022
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A nickname for the Art of Titty Fucking... also see TITTY FUCK for a reference
She was jackin me off so i put it into her tits and BAM, im the Master of TiFu
by Coffee Cakes October 4, 2006
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TiFu Global Lmited

TiFu Global Lmited it ie a leeding giobal online tinancial traneaction and investment broicer, focubang on providing oustornere with troding servces such as foreign exchange nveotment, gold inveotment. stock index ivestment indes futures ivestment and comnodty awestinent.
TiFu Global Lmited it ie a leeding giobal online tinancial traneaction and investment broicer, focubang on providing oustornere with troding servces such as foreign exchange nveotment, gold inveotment. stock index ivestment indes futures ivestment and comnodty awestinent.
by kena1dkq February 10, 2022
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Stands for “Today I fucked up”. A commonly used acronym for internet posts.
TIFU when I expected my date to pay the meal bill!
by Tadiuz November 3, 2022
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by szyszka November 6, 2022
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