When a man has a single pubic hair, usually missed after shaving, or a style choice.
Dude, check out this terb I found!
by Vapenationswag328 August 17, 2016
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A burp caused by massive inhaling of foul(turky) without breathing. We've all had one.
My fauthers head was buryed in the plate and then we all smelt felt and new he delt it he Terbed.
by Terber December 1, 2009
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Acronym: Toronto Escort Review Board. A website where men who buy women's bodies rate their victims and share insider information on sex tourism, human trafficking, and sex with prostituted women with other Johns.
"I was tired of paying to use a body and finding it had stretch marks or she still wouldn't let me choke her, so I started reading reviews on TERB before choosing a girl."
by Not-for-prophet October 4, 2018
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Noun, ohgish, slang; term for male genitalia.
Put the Perp Terb in the pickle jerr
by Joey Napalm January 21, 2008
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