Going to the liquor store, and/or getting drunk. A superior alternative to normal attempts to decide what to do on a night out with friends.
by EagerSpring February 11, 2012
The first thing you should do every morning after you wake up. Is put some underpants on.
Even better if you got them from stepone.life
Step One! Get some!
Even better if you got them from stepone.life
Step One! Get some!
by Tayan December 13, 2020
by Pezro March 20, 2012
Rolling a joint and getting high. Normaly used in situations, where the general atmosphere is not good and therefore the group or the individual has to go back to basics. Therefore, Step One!
Guy: Dude, I'm so stressed out with all this uni stuff.
Dude: Let's go back to Step One.
Guy: Step One?
Dude: Step One!
Dude: Let's go back to Step One.
Guy: Step One?
Dude: Step One!
by Moekfiy December 4, 2014
by superwalrusninja November 27, 2009
One step is a term used in basketball referring to when a player, by a sudden change of direction or some form of quick dummy (faking move), causes their defender to take a step in the wrong direction thus allowing the attacker to beat the defender.
by kendle_cranks2 June 18, 2006
A method to get high quality women because women will be the ones chasing you, but the attractive ones won’t approach first.
Matt: Hey, how did you have hook up with the hottest girl in the party?
Brad: Simple, I approached her, and she was chasing after me. Two steps forward, one step back.
Brad: Simple, I approached her, and she was chasing after me. Two steps forward, one step back.
by Totally Not ChadTheCat August 20, 2019