Stanky leg

Dance to the song Stanky leg.

Usually done by hyphy black people.

Ex: Dance really hot and while you are dancing pee on your leg

Ex2:it means you gottta not take a shower for a few weeks and then when your leg is covered in flies, then you break your leg
Kontrell Jr: Aye maynee I got dis new dance fo you its called the stanky leg

Wanquisha: Yeah fam watch me snap and grab mah knee

by Tatianalisha August 11, 2008
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Stanky leg

The stanky leg is a lyric, and dance move from the popular song whip and nay nay, it’s become a living meme and is EPIC
: Tim help John I’ve been cursed by a wizard named babatunde, he has forced me to do the stanky leg for eternity.
John: Tim I’ll save you!!!
Tim:no don’t come to close or the wizard will curse you with this hip dance move!!!
by Stanky leg Steve December 5, 2019
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stanky leg

I need to take a shower, cause when I do the stanky leg, I get all sweaty.
by morgasm17 February 19, 2009
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stanky legged hoe

That girl at mid valley dental was a stanky legged hoe
by cheesuswithjesus November 7, 2017
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turnt daddy stanky leg

Old man Chris, he's a turnt daddy stanky leg!
by Bfsarah November 9, 2017
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stanky leg poop daddy

A pooper who yells allah akbar before nutting in your mom
We need to help my friend before he becomes a stanky leg poop daddy
by Pooo daddy420 August 31, 2019
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