A minecraft music disc, which is hated by the twitch streamer Jschlatt, but loved by the youtube Antvenom.
by Wildreaper924 May 31, 2019
“This song has caused so much fucking...”
“My childhood hero has just called me bipolar”
“C418 was thinking about something when making this, he was thinking about the holocaust”
“S for Stal”
“My childhood hero has just called me bipolar”
“C418 was thinking about something when making this, he was thinking about the holocaust”
“S for Stal”
by Minecraft Spaghetti November 2, 2019
by urmomlolL January 5, 2021
A man of God committed to bring God’s Word to God’s people just as it is. Stal is also famous for his Italian cooking, dad jokes, and loving personality. If you meet a Stal, you’ve met a lifelong friend. Do whatever it takes to keep him around.
by BryceHoldman April 25, 2021
by SoldierWantsThatHat April 12, 2021
A man or female who is loud and annyoing in public, but when a group of stal get together they get waaaay to crazy, rude, and selfish.
by Willy Williamson January 8, 2009
The abreviation for the word crystal when reffered to as crystal meth, and it must be pronounced like you just said crys before it
by Cryssfish April 27, 2018