The biggest disgrace walking on this earth. To be a spooney you have to conplain about every single possible thing on this planet. Will often try to push work on to others but nobody even listens to her for the fact that soon as she starts talking everybody pays no attention she is also know as the word oxygen theif. She mistakes the word fat and calls it big boned.
Person 1. Whos that shit bag over there complaining about walking 5 feet?
Person 2. Who else but Spooney
by Thetruth84 July 1, 2013
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A game in which two or more players compare knives; the player with the largest knife is the winner. However, any player may choose to use a spoon instead of a knife. Any spoon beats any knife, but a player with a spoon is disqualified if another player recognizes and announces his or her use of a spoon.
"That's not a knife. THIS is a knife!"

"That's not a knife, that's a spoon."

"Ah, I see you've played Knifey-Spooney before!"
by RUFCKNSRS January 25, 2014
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A stupid Australian game where everyone pulls out their knives to compare size (like Americans and dicks) and one person pulls out a spoon. The first person to call out the person with the spoon wins.
"Lets play knifey-spooney." Everyone pulls out their knives, except Steve, he pulls out a spoon.

"Those aren't knives, THIS is a knife," Steve says.
"No, that's a spoon," Alex points out.
"Well I guess you win," Steve pouts.
by Hyde.Jykl June 29, 2016
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