I can't even beging to tell you all about how fucking Lame this town is. A complete joke in my opinion. Try doing "fair" business here and you will lose. Most only care about how fucking cheap they can get their goods for, quality does not even matter to most of these fucktards around here. I simply am going to create a way OUT for myself and my wife. This place is disloyal, dysfunctional,boring,and fucking lame, stupid, and WAY over rated for sure. The way people here think is SO RIDICULOUS. I have never really fit in here. I try to do right by these fucktards, and they only try to hate me unjustly, and try to trash my reputation for simply caring to do what is right by others. I FUCKING HATE THIS SHITHOLE of Ignorant fools, in which I do NOT belong, that I know for sure...there are WAY too many stooopid wiggers,and fake punk ass wannabe gangbangers that need to run home to their mommies...LOL. and lame ass posers and people who are trying to be something they aren't, because most don't know how to think for themselves here...they are like sleepwalking idiot retarted robots. The youth of this town is fucking lame enough, not to mention the ultra conservative FUCKTARD mentality that the majority of these people seem to live to retain. Once I leave this place I will NEVER return. It does not deserve someone like ME. I make these idiots look bad, because my life is productive and successful and capable. WAY WAY WAY too many people here, can not be happy for the successes of another person, because they are living like walking corpses. This town is a sad joke of a place. The economy is fucking dysfunctional to the core. No decent paying jobs or careers here, just exploitation and SEVERE dysfunctionality. All I Wanna Do Is Get The Fuck Outa Here. They do NOT deserve ME....not that they ever did. The auto body shops and car lots and auto dealers CAN"T be trusted, they are a bunch of fucking greedy pigs and liars and cheats, that is their way. FUCK THEM ALL. I want to burn it all down and piss on the coals. This town can BLOW ME...LOL.
stupidity, fake ass low life people, punk ass posers everywhere, even the spray paint grafitti totally sucks, liars, dysfunction, asshole dick head fucktards all over the fucking place
this town thinks its a city of Greatness, but it is NOT. It is a city of Bullshit people who only know how to get in the way of good people like me. FUCK SPOKANE, it deserves IT. I tell it like it REALLY is and they want to hate me for it.
by I tell it like it is May 26, 2008
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The second largest city in Washington, unremarkable in almost every respect. Hoopsfest, Bloomsday, and Riverfront Park are sad substitutes for the attractions of a real destination city. Spokane doesn't actually have anything special going for it in the outdoor sports arena either. Residents who insist this is so probably have never actually lived in an area with real outdoor opportunities. The local skiing is nothing to brag about and million dollar homes ring every lake in the area with private property and almost every patch of woods nearby posting "No Trespassing" signs makes Spokane a poor place for an outdoorsman. Spokane does have the trappings of larger cities. Drug crime, corrupt/incompetent police, a hostile immigrant population, and horredous traffic (due to civil engineering not having reached the city yet). Spokane residents usually are upper middle class who mistake themselves for wealthy, tatoo'd imbeciles trying to affect the air of an LA gangbanger, or filthy and smelly white people with dreadlocks that can be smelled from a 1/4 mile.
I'm going to Spokane; it beats hell, but not by much.
by Danmoo July 18, 2011
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Spokane is a city in eastern Washington with just over 200,000 citizens. The weather is nice and sunny in the summer, nice in cool in the winter, and we have one of the cleanest aquafiers in the world. Spokane may sound like a nice place, but there are parts of town that you should not even consider driving through, such as Hillyard, where you can't walk one city block without seeing a 12 year old buying meth from a school teacher. There are other parts of town, such as the south hill, where every prisy rich bitch buys their morning Starbucks before heading for the gym. In gerneral, Spokane is like any other american city.
Screw Spokane, go live in Seattle.
by Dewit April 9, 2009
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Spokane is where I am from, my home. Many people like to call it Spokompton, I think that Spokanphetamine would be just as appropriate as it is commonly called the meth capital.

Spokane is actually two cities, Spokane and Spokane Valley. But it uses one bus system as they are attached anyways.

We get a lot of gangstas who come up from California. Crips, Bloods, Surenos, Nortanos, Hells Angels, 18th Street, they're all here. Thing is our newspaper, the Spokesman Review lists the crimes that they commit as anonymous, when they do list them, everything is hush hush here. Must be to keep the gangs from gaining even more notoriety. IDK.

There are really a lot of homeless people here, and the population is majority conservative.

Then there are the different sections of town, the South Hill is where the better off financially live, downtown has many pawnshops and Riverfront Park, Northtown has head shops, a big mall, and lots of tweakers, the East Valley is the same, it also has head shops, a mall and lots of tweakers.

The best thing about Spokane is the forest area that it is in and the mild weather, not too hot during the summer and not too cold during winter.

Oh, and Bloomsday and Hoopfest make the downtown mad busy. Good for getting into fights.

*Walking downtown in Spokane*

Homeless Man: Do you have a dollar?

Me: If I did would I be walking?

Homeless Man: Do you have beer?
by Frosty tha Dopeman May 20, 2008
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The meth, mullet, and hell hole of the world. Nothing but white trash and white supremacy located in this industrial town where depression originated. The people here feel way too optimistic about their town and the attractions it brings which include the worlds fair in the 70's and a lousy street race called bloomsday. If it wasn't for Gonzaga University, this town would be a nuclear testing site!
American History X + NRA + cheap homemade drugs = Spokane
by John Kerry March 26, 2005
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You know that a city is truly awful when, even on the main street, buildings are boarded up and the parking lots boasting the most cars are Goodwill, Pawn One, the army surplus and Spokane Discount. That’s right; Spokane Discount. This town is trash. Another good indicator of trashdom is when the prize for being the twentieth caller to the local Top 40 station is a free tattoo at Silver Safari. And what does the dumb cow who wins want to get emblazoned on her skin? “Cherries!” she cries. “On the back of my neck!” I guess that will look really good when you’re lining up at Social Security with your two grade-schoolers, eight months preggers, Ford Pinto rotting outside with a “This is America! Speak English!” bumper sticker stuck on its ass. Don’t for a second imagine that you could leave your snotty offspring in the car, however, because Spokane has enough registered sex-offenders per capita to keep the Spokesman Review’s opinion page occupied until the next time a homophobic mayor solicits local high school boys online. I’m sorry, did I get a little off track? The only track I’m really interested in is I-90 West. Let me reiterate: I hate Spokane.
People who use the work "Spokompton" to describe this awful hell-hole are usually not trying to be clever or bad-ass. They're most likely just trying to explain how ghetto Spokane is. "Spokrapton" is my personal favorite and I like to think I made it up, but I imagine others have come up with this monkier before.
by Jane MDC September 6, 2006
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I was born here. And for all you other people with your definitions on how bad this place is.. go slob on a knob. cheese and rice. ha. Spokane has amazing weather. awesome festivities. Nice people. Dick's hamburgers. ZIPS. Great malls. The gondolas. Gnar river. Those cool vines that crawl up the walls along the freeway. silverwood is a hop skip and a jump away. River Front Park! I mean come on people! sure they have a meth problem and every other drug problem but what city doesnt have a few crackheads running around...or hundreds. The tiny hick towns in MT. and WY. and all the other states with low pop. but guess what i'm sure they're some tweakers even there. So grow a pair, and enjoy spokansas for what it really is!
Dude #1: What are you doing this weekend?
Dude#2: I'm going to spokane to do all sorts of wicked cool things, not complain about the drug problem, and get on with my life!
by Bananabear April 27, 2010
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