Another term for Peter Romano, the bassist of a band called Young Medicine

(Or occasionally called mediSCENE)
This band is local to Kansas(U.S) and its sound consists of synth and genuine ear pleasure
Person 1: where is spaghetti?

Person 2: Peter? He's probably looking at memes or getting another ferret.
by AMGREY REACT April 15, 2017
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A random person, or a person in a group who takes drug/substance abuse to a completely different level and will most likely end up lying on the street shouting profanities about his mothers vagina or open up a hostel with a cinema in the Himalayas and call himself Joy.
- Dude, I woke up in a different city in a stranger's garage with a new jacket and a cut over my eye.

"You are such a spaghetti" said Dev.
by m.k.sam June 19, 2012
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It is the hallowed name of the One who, by His Noodly Appendage and under the influence of the Holy Booze, has bestowed us this wonderfully imperfect world.
by epichorns May 26, 2008
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delicious pasta dish, also known as "spaghetti bolognese"; spaghetti noodles with tomato sauce and ground beef; world's single greatest meal
My grandma makes the world's greatest spaghetti!
by JessicaQ February 4, 2008
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