A lulzy episode of Super Mario World...
Often used in Youtube Poops.
i dont have much else to say about it, go watch it for yourselves.
"Thats Mama Luigi to you Mario!"
"Let me ring out my cap"
"Coney Island Disco Palace"
"Koopa Football Players"
"Fire Sumo"
"I Fell For What Seemed Like Hours"
"Mama? Mama Luigi??? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA"
"Well It Seemed Like Good Medicine For Me"
"Or, Is It The Bagel?"
by Mama Luigi May 20, 2007
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A Nickname given by Yoshi for Luigi acting like a parental figure in Super Mario World: The cartoon. Great for YTP's.
"That's Mama Luigi to you Mario (wheeze)" - Luigi
by MDawg1491 June 29, 2023
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