(n.) Contraction for "SOuth WEstern TOwnships"

A slum in South Africa where poor blacks were forced to go under apartheid. The source of many riots and bombings, it has come to be what has defined Johannesbourg and South Africa.
Soweto is the ultimate shithole. I implore all the people who think they're oppressed, particularly those 'in da hood' to go there to see what being held down is really like, pussies.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 9, 2004
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When something is bad BUT it could be a whole lot worse.
Person 1: Hey how was work today.
Person 2: Eh it was soweto.
by unpopular.onions July 23, 2018
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A tire forced over the head/torso of an unwitting victim, dowsed in kerosene and set alight, whilst watching locals whoop and holler in frenzied excitement. Often happens to tourists/expats who unintentionally wander into the wrong district of Johannesburg, Brazzaville, Pointe Noire etc.
Trev "did you hear what hapened to Brice last night?"

Welsh Dave "no, what?"

Trev "he went out to get a KFC bucket and his moped broke down, he ended up getting a soweto necklace - cops managed to identify him from his dentures this morning"

Welsh Dave "shit dude, what happened to the KFC bucket meal?"
by Mark Barber May 13, 2012
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"What genre of music do you listen to?"

"The Upper West Side Soweto, it's great."
by sierpinski grunge August 2, 2014
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