A small, random piece of lint found on the body, clothing, or pretty much anywhere.
"Hey, Katie, you have a snit snit on your arm"
"A what?"
"Lint. You have lint on your sweater."
by Inspirit11 October 25, 2015
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1. The Act of Sneezing while one is on the throne.
2. Snitting can also occur when one is walking and accidentally drops a load on him or herself.
(Snitting is very dangerous and should only be left to professional Snitters Such as Sol Black)
1. Sol was sitting taking a dump and he sneezed causing a turd to exit his anal cavity at supersonic speed.
2. i was using the restroom and i sneezed, so i was "Snitting".
by VivaMexico++ April 10, 2010
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She's been in a snit ever since Emmit grabbed Sally's ass instead of hers.
by bungadiri April 16, 2006
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I sneezed so hard I snit myself and blamed the dog.
by tinyblanket November 19, 2014
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3 ounces of beer served as a chaser for another drink, mostly whskey or bloody marys
ill have a bloody mary

would you like a snit with that?
by wallbangicus January 26, 2012
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a person that is being really bitchy
Oh my gosh, Ms. Wallingtosh was being such a snit to me in class today!
by Fiona December 10, 2004
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An annoying cat. Friendly version of shit.
"That fucking snit needs to stop meowing!"
by TexasToast69420 October 29, 2017
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