Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight; Having characteristics that attract love or affection; beautiful, classy
That girl is smrithi.
by grapple March 18, 2005
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A girl that loves anime and is obsessed with kpop.
Person 1: Hey, did you hear the new blackpink album.
Person 2: No, but I bet Smrithi did.
Person 1: Haha you're so right.
by shru_loverboy123 November 29, 2020
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A state of confusion, pure and utter confusion. A person is in a quantum state of mind. Believes in two/three realities at the same time.
A : Damn she is in a smrithi state of mind
B : Yeah, she is catholic, muslim and a hindu. All at the same time
by sssbkb May 15, 2019
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Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight; Having characteristics that attract love or affection; beautiful, classy.

However be virtuous that she can be violent, killing machine. Known to seduce people and destroyer of men
by Reading47 November 22, 2021
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He is one damn cute girl you could ever meet. If she decides to love you she wont leave you. You can be your own-self with her. She makes you feel lucky.
You are lucky if you have a Smrithi in your life.
by mudhalneemudivumnee March 28, 2022
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An girl with excellent memory power especially who remembers each & ever details about her favourite peoples
Hey you wore that dress & the same shoes last week

Oh you smrithi girl!
by November 26, 2021
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