1. Something Edward Cullen's eyes apparently do 24/7.

2. Go-to word in author Stephenie Meyer's small vocabulary.
Edward walked toward Bella, golden eyes a-smolder, and she promptly fainted.
by allstrangewonders July 23, 2010
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When u got shoulders that are too small to carry your BOOMBOX on but you still got that drip.
Ugh I have smolders my backpack always slips off!!
by evehansen May 12, 2020
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The gaze of the likes of the incredibly sexy and dangerous human beings; usually found on the west coast.
That hottie TY has perfected the smoldering look.
by goosed grey September 8, 2013
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MYRA was smoldering before she was smoking
by chuck May 19, 2004
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the art of panty dropping that involves facial structures that have been compared to greek gods. uses wide eyes, straight face, and rolling body. founded by roman-latin philosopher jacksarrison
by iamzewizard September 16, 2016
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When Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson raises his right eyebrow in concern, curiosity or just to flex.

Sometime done by Dwayne in the event of something serious or catastrophical about to happen.
"Dwayne posed with his smoldering intensity towards his fans"
by GSA84 February 4, 2022
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A sweet young lady who loves to play video games and does videos on YouTube She has a cat named BB (Big Boss) and lives with her boyfriend Sean in Brighton!
"Have you seen Gab Smolders on YouTube?"

Yea I have, I love her series on Stardew Valley!
by Devilition June 16, 2021
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