The name of a person who sleeps around and generally becomes a dirty whore.
by nicko bailey May 24, 2007
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can be used interchangeably with "no cap"

used to convey realness or authenticity
damn, she fine no sluzzie

that shit was so good, no sluzzie
by billy_thegoat February 17, 2022
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Adj. This word is a combination of 2 words, sleazy and slutty. Sleazy + slutty = sluzzy.

Variation, noun - sluzzy, sluzz, sluzzball, sluzzwad, someone who is both sleazy and slutty. Sluzzbait - someone who is about to be sluzzed on.
You went to all my friends and slept with them and dissed me to them. How sluzzy!

You're such a sluzz. Get out of my face!
by cajuboy February 3, 2010
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"Far out bro, that Paris Hilton is a dirty little sluzzy"
by Shemp81 April 23, 2008
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Slizzie's long lost cousin.

The act of eating a ten inch hot dog without chewing, yes homo.
I'm so gay. I keep doing a sluzzie, and I can't stop. I think I need medical help.
by ??? Chungus August 31, 2022
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