An individual named or nicknamed Sloan, who's pleasure giving qualities make large numbers of people happy, sometimes simultaneously.
Dude i got the fattest sloaner from that powerpoint presentation on South Korea, Sloan really knew her stuff!
by sloanerking June 8, 2011
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A fag who tries to act hard.
Dude, You're such a sloaner.
You see that girl? she's makin me sloaner
by Bobby_Hill February 14, 2008
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Make (something) more difficult or confusing by causing it to be more complex or Introduce complications in (an existing condition)

difficult to analyze or understand; "a complicated problem"
1. Do a sum 10 x 10 = 100 The right way

2. 1 + 9 + 40 / 2 x 4 = 100 The Sloaner way
by The Real Complicator September 14, 2011
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Refers to the kind of person who likes to Slink off on their own. Combination of the words Slink and Alone.

Used to describe someone who abandons ship at the first opportunity. Similar to Rats leaving a sinking ship
Cannot believe you've changed jobs again. You are a complete sloaner
by BershamBackdoor April 7, 2021
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When you get a boner, handjob, or blowjob from someone named Sloan or Sloane or any sort of affialiation towards the word Sloan
Sloan- Im going to give you the best handjob ever
Joey- Hot. I've got such a Sloaner Boner right now
by Niggerpocalypse February 11, 2010
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